Joel Babandakana BinBakongo
Joel Babandakana BinBakongo born October 4th 1992 in Kinshasa capital city of DRC, presently based in Durban , South Africa.
Joel studied telecommunications in high school/matric at Institute Technique et Industriel de Gombe (ITI GOMBE) after his high school graduation he relocated to South Africa where he acquired his National Diploma in Information Technology (IT)
Because of his love for technology & stock exchange/ forex exchange he decided to launch his own company called JB Consulting GROUP pty/Ltd in 2019 which is also based in Durban South Africa. He has built a forex robot that’s is fully automated and trades for you in the stock markets without a human intervention. “I just wanted to help people who always wanted to join in the forex industry but had fear of losing and/ or no learning process” he added. Joel; started in the forex industry in 2014, he always wanted to to have the freedom to afford anything he could ever want including the lifestyle he has always dreamed of and stock exchange provides him with that.
For his future plans he hopes for his company ( JB CONSULTING GROUP) to become global and empower the youth by giving them a change to showcase their talent and also implement it back home in the DRCongo, serving God despite and
helping the people in need as well as extend into so many industry like gas and petrol diamond and gold and etc...