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Mike Shamba: Author, Publisher, Business Advisor

Mike Shamba runs a publishing and PR company in South Africa. He also happens to run business masterclasses in different cities, equipping individuals with practical knowledge and skills in order to run successful businesses. 

His company was founded in 2015 and they specialize in producing quality books through the means of editing, internationally registering of the book, design covers, printing and publishing as well as setting up interviews on various social media platforms.

Credibility in this business is a real issue and being able to convince people to hire his services a newbie wasn’t easy. He believes that the speed at which they deliver their services coupled with the quality of their work is what distinguishes themfrom the rest. The long-term goal is to be able to build a bigger international clientele while trying to create job opportunities by hiring more people. 

“You don’t get into business for survival, but you should get into it because you want to make and create long lasting solutions. As an entrepreneur, 

learn to be patient as there is no shortcut in business and success is not achieved like instant coffee”, he says.

Writer: Candide IK

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