Anaia Nzuzi
Anaia Nzuzi considers her self the jack of all trades as she does it all. Her business page is @eatchezyaya and they are located in Gwinnett county in Atlanta, Georgia. She is also a content creator and youtuber. Her YouTube channel is Astoldbyanaia.
Her catering company specializes but not limited to Congolese food and her YouTube channel is full of college vlogs, travel vlogs and informational videos where she teaches viewers how to speak kikongo with her mother.
“I started my catering business in September of 2018. What motivated me to start was that I wanted to bring something to my community that wasn’t there. I wanted to represent Congo and make sure that our food was always accessible.” Says Anaia
As for her future plans, “In 5 years, I see myself running a successful restaurant and running many other businesses that I can’t share yet”. Anaia